2021 NLAEDA September Show

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Hello Everyone 🙂

  • 2021-10-01
    • 12:56:17 AM – Posed images are exporting and should be uploaded by noon.  Saturday candids are uploading right now.
    • 7:37:01 AM – Posed images finished uploading – Please let me know if you need touchups on an image or two.
    • 7:38:09 AM – Upload of Saturday Candids is almost finished.
    • 12:05:35 PM – Upload of Saturday Candids is complete
  • 2021-10-02
    • 5:15:26 AM – Sunday Candids are uploading now
    • 10:17:17 AM – Sunday Candids have finished uploading!

Thats it!  All images are online 🙂

Images may be viewed and downloaded from the following site:

Show Photos From the 2021 NLAEDA September Show

If you need to pay for photos click here to do so – thanks for your support.
